Saturday, June 10, 2006


stayed up to watch the opening match for world cup. i must say, it was well worth it. an electrifying game. hah. suddenly felt like bad boys outing 2 and play 2v2 xbox soccer after the first one was ruined by a pot of lard(his identity will be protected for his own safety). go germany. win the world cup. hahaha.

anyways, an intense day of studying. actually, the most intense since holidays started. covered quite a bit of math. that was the only thing that stopped me from playing xbox with my brothers today. haiz. half the hols are over. i guess i should be halfway through my studying but i am not. ): wonder if i can bring bio notes for camp next week. haha. maybe if i cant sleep ill go and mug bio. lol. besides, i must find time for rise of legends and half life 2. okay, i know i'm damn noob larh, playing it only after 1.5 years since it was released. but i never really was interested until now. its like OMG, so damn f-ing nice. haha. i must have my daily at least 3 hrs a day if not ill go nuts. no wonder my studies is behind time. loll. wonder how i'm going to cope during camp. argh.

anyways, gotta catch the england match later to see how they fare. haha. and i just found another cool show to watch. megas xlr. damn farnie. i shall record all 26 episodes! muahahaha. TT still rocks as always. xp

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